Batak village called "Huta". Like a fortress that is strong, Huta is lined with large bamboo trees. Wood is a harbor that is used for the manufacture of traditional Batak house. Only the roof of a house made from leaf fibers Nira. Architecture of traditional Batak house is the home stage, do not use nails. The house is decorated with carvings and sculptures in the form of half-human, such as densely packed Elephant Ghost To frighten. Carvings and sculptures are white, red and black soil. Third color depicts the trinity universe universe that is the world's top, middle and bottom. To see the original shape hobo house about 38 km from Balige we will arrive at the old village poet Dolok where rows of old houses stood firm berasitektur Batak The Batak laden with carvings. Eight generations have occupied it and are still actively used today. The houses are estimated to have approximately 200 years old.
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